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LS > Maple Farm > Miscellaneous Maple Farm Equipments > For maple sap > Tubing system (all) >

5/16 and 3/16 tubing

Tubing for sugarbushes

We have in stock every type of tubing, connector and fitting you can possibly need for your sugar bush tubing, plus the tools needed to install your water lines. Contact us for recommendations and advice on installation of tubing on your land of maple production and optimization of maple sap carrying. Tubing available sizes : 5/16, 3/16 and precut drops

Various equipments machines for maple syrup transformation

5/16 and 3/16 tubing

Tubing for sugarbushes

Price Product Diameter of tube Rigidity Color
3/16 Semi-Rigid Tubing 3/16" Green
5/16 Rigid blue Tubing 5/16" Blue
5/16 Semi-Rigid A Tubing 5/16" Blue
5/16 Semi-Rigid B Tubing 5/16" Blue
Smoked 5/16 Semi-Rigid Tubing 5/16" Smoked
5/16 Flex Tubing 5/16" Flexible Green
5/16 Semi-Rigid S3 Tubing 5/16" Blue
5/16 Semi-Rigid 313-A Blue Tubing 5/16" Blue
5/16 Semi-Rigid 313-B Blue Tubing 5/16" Blue
5/16 Semi-Rigid 313-B Green Tubing 5/16" Green
5/16 Semi-Rigid 313-B gris Tubing 5/16" Smoked

Associated Ressources


Available tubings at LS Bilodeau's

Vincent shares the available tubing models at our shop (FR-English subtitled)

A gravity tubing system on the 5/16 tubing size?!

A surprising experiment in a sugar bush in Estrie

How to Detect Leaks in a Maple Tubing System

Part 1: Identifying, validating, and understanding the causes of leaks in a maple tubing network for sap collection.

How to Detect Leaks in a Maple Tubing System : Part 2

Part 2: Examples of common leaks and repairs

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