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Quote only
Material of plates
Finish of the base
QTT of plates (empty)
11 x -
7 x -
9 x -
QTT of frames (empty)
10 x -
6 x -
8 x -
Pump type
110V Electrical diaphragm
Air diaph.
not included

Maple Syrup Plate Presses >

18"Plates Filter Presses

All systems for maple syrup filtering

Our 10'' and 18'' plate filter presses are available for many maple syrup production needs.

Various 18 in plate filter presses maple syrup production, 18in plate filter press, filtering maple syrup ls bilodeau, plate filter pump maple sap

18"Plates Filter Presses

All systems for maple syrup filtering

Price Product Material of plates Finish of the base QTT of plates (empty) QTT of frames (empty) Pump type
Alu. 18" -9x8- Aluminum Stainless 9 x - 8 x - not included
18"Alu. -9x8-Elect.Dia. Aluminum Stainless 9 x - 8 x - 110V Electrical diaphragm
Alu. 18" -9x8- Air Dia. Aluminum Stainless 9 x - 8 x - Air diaph.
Alu 18" : 11xEmpty + 10xFull Aluminum Stainless 11 x - 10 x - not included
Alu 18" -11x10-Dia-elect Aluminum Stainless 11 x - 10 x - 110V Electrical diaphragm
Alu 18"- 9x8- piston pump Aluminum Stainless 11 x - 10 x - Piston
Stainless. 18" -7x6- Piston Stainless Stainless 7 x - 6 x - Piston
Stainless. 18" -7x6- Elect.Dia Stainless Stainless 7 x - 6 x - 110V Electrical diaphragm
Stainless. 18" -9x8- Air. Dia Stainless Stainless 9 x - 8 x - Piston
Stainless. 18" -9x8- Dia. Air Stainless Stainless 9 x - 8 x - Air diaph.
Stainless. 18" : 11xEmpty + 10xFull Stainless Stainless 11 x - 10 x - Air diaph.
Stainless. 18" : 11xEmpty + 10xFull Stainless Stainless 11 x - 10 x - Air diaph.

Associated Ressources


Take full advantage of your maple filter press

A conference that treats of every type of maple syrup filtering processes (FR-Subtitled in english)

100% Stainless Steel Filter Press

Get the full tour of the stainless steel maple syrup filter press (FR-Subtitled in english)

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