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6.00 GalCA (27.28L)
12.00 GalCA (54.55L)
15.00 GalCA (68.19L)
For n. taps
50 to 400
Up to 1000
Up to 800

LS > Maple Farm > Boiling > Maple Syrup Filtering > Maple Syrup Filter Presses >

Vacuum Filter Press

For maple syrup filtering

Vacuum press for filtering maple syrup. An LS Bilodeau innovation, always at the forefront! Here are our three models of filter presses, also serving as syrup containers. These filter presses, also called vacuum presses, are designed to be connected to a vacuum pump (up to 29.5hg) or to a Shop-Vac type vacuum (about 8hg). Adapter for vacuum not included. They can also be simply used by gravity.

Equipement d'érabliere Presse vacuum à sirop d'érable

Vacuum Filter Press

For maple syrup filtering

Price Product Capacity Diameter Height For n. taps Adapted for
6 gal. Vacuum Filter Press 6.00 GalCA (27.28L) 1'0" 1'9" 50 to 400 Round poly prefilter 17" (12x)
12" Round poly prefilter 17" (3x)
12 Gal Vacuum Filter Press 12.00 GalCA (54.55L) 1'5" 1'9" Up to 800 Round poly prefilter 23"(3x)
Round poly prefilter 23" (12x)
15 Gal Vacuum Filter Press 15.00 GalCA (68.19L) 1'5" 2'4" Up to 1000 Round poly prefilter 23"(3x)
Round poly prefilter 23" (12x)

Associated Ressources


Our Vacuum Filter presses

Discover our 3 available models (Subtitled in english)

Vacuum Filter presses

Maple syrup filtering for small and medium maple production (FR-Subtitled in english)

Take full advantage of your maple filter press

A conference that treats of every type of maple syrup filtering processes (FR-Subtitled in english)

The Maple Files

From tubing to transformation, we know our maple syrup. Explore below our different files and articles regarding this beautiful process.

35 years of innovation

Our story : L & S
Maple Grove landscape with red sugar shack, tubing 3/16 and mains

What is maple syrup production

A comprehensive guide to the complete process of maple syrup production, from tapping to golden delights

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