LS > Maple Farm > Boiling > Evaporators > Evaporators by Sizes (All) >
2'x10' Evaporators
All 2'x10' evaporators
All models of maple sap boilers - evaporators with equivalent size, all models.
Standard Wood-Fired Boiler (Evaporator)
Old school maple boiler
Firebox only - Standard Wood-Fired Boiler
Old school maple boiler, like our ancestors's
Bilomax 1.0 Serie
High efficency airtight evaporators
Bilomax 1.3 Serie
Airtight evaporators with air draft control
Bilomax 2.0 Serie
Airtight evaporators with carbonation tubes
Bilomax 2.3 Serie
Airtight evaporators with carbonation tubes + air draft control