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Bio-preserve, sodium metabisulfite, membrane preservative, preservation solution for reverse osmosis, separator preservative solution, temporary separator preservation, osmosis product LS Bilodeau
Bio-preserve, sodium metabisulfite, membrane preservative, preservation solution for reverse osmosis, separator preservative solution, temporary separator preservation, osmosis product LS Bilodeau

LS > Maple Farm > Miscellaneous Maple Farm Equipments > For maple sap > Reverse Osmosis Systems > Everything for Reverse Osmosis Systems > Soaps, acids, soaps, preservatives for RO > [LS2601cf2a]

Bio-Preserve (16oz)

Short-term preservation solution for membranes

Price: 9.95 $*

* Subjected to change


16 ounces. This preservation product, when dissolved in water, is used to kill bacteria and prevent their multiplication in membrane filtration systems, reverse osmosis (RO), also known as concentrators, or nanofiltration.
It is recommended for use during short-duration activity periods. Prepare a solution following the proportions indicated on the packaging. Sodium metabisulfite, category D2; category E. Avoid contact with skin or eyes, and keep out of reach of children.
# : LS2601cf2a

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