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Magika controleur 3
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Magika controleur 3
Magika controleur 2
Magika Controleur 1
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LS > Maple Farm > Maple Sap Harvesting > Leaks and vacuum monitoring system > Magika 110V Controler > [LS8dcb2fa9]

4 relays 3 vacuum Controler

110V, Magika Automation

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110 V vacuum controler : 4 relays with a choice of 1 or 3 vacuu,s. The 3 vaccums options is destined for 2-3 units pump stations. Both options feature 4 relays, so that's 4 options of equipments to control, for instance the lights, pumps, osmosis system, heating, probes, etc.
# : LS8dcb2fa9

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